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LR4x4 Treasurer Escapes - Would YOU do this ? ... THOUSAND RIVERS 4X4.


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Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Goodbye :i-m_so_happy:

Its your "Slightly Sub :moglite: Normal" treasurer here....or rather not

Steve (Off Road Toad on here) has decided that he and Moi should do the 25th Anniversay French event - the "1000 Riveers"



have got meself a passport (mine expired 1995 I kid you not)

have packed MY 1st aid kit inc scapels tweezers and iodine and bits :D .... Ooooo I can sort THAT Steve ...... squeeeeeeel

and a **** load of spares....

and we are driving down (800 mile round trip) competiting and driving back - (B****x to you trailler queens) :P ( But we do have AA Euro recovery :rofl:) :P

So, Me Steve a Tube of KJ Jelly (he's woriied to hell anyway being in a 90 with me for 5 days let alone the jokes) are off to La South de La Froggie

My french is sort of "De Beer si vous plate" he is fluent, so will prob be trying to stop some french bloke punching my lights out when I get my 1970s french school words wrong :rofl:

We have a full time on board vid cam (crashes and nightmares recorded for all you lot to point and laugh at)

and a giant **** load of spares.....leaving tomm Wends at Midnight, eurotunnel 2.00ish and collapse bed gawd knows when 7 hrs laterish, ....with wine :D yaay

Will do a update daily if we have internet / alive / .......it is me there after all / ....uninjured...

But looking forward to a great 25th Anniversary event, erm, hopefully without too many dramas :stretcher-smiley-emoticon: if you get my drift

so, how mad / trusting is Steve ? lol

So ...watch this space,....... I can't belive its going to be drama free,..................... FFS I am there ..............

In the meantime behave on the forum and don't do anything I would do / wouldn't do / er erm .....well you know :D

Supoose I better think about packing ...........


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My passport expired in 1982 (about the time I got banned from Holland after a particularly long weekend in Amsterdam) last time I tried to renew it it was suggested that they would have to interview my parents, got a bit upset when I asked them if I could attend the said seance. They don't like me.

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watching with incredibly keen interest, you taking your v8 thingy?

i hope you have lots of fuel money :D

im on £1 a litre atm and 35mpg, just so you know :closedeyes:

hope you have a safe trip but i will be a little dissapointed if there are no mechanical mishaps, naturally.

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AA Euro Recovery.

May work, they start asking funny questions about the age of your car. They did help me in the end, it did take 4 weeks to deliver my car back home from finland though, by a delivery company called 'on time'.

Still, France is a pretty good place to break down in a landy, as they are very common.

In any case you go there because you believe everything will be well, so none of the above carp is needed or require worry about until they happen!

Have fun, Daan

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I've translated the website, but it still doesn't tell me what sort of event it is.

Anyone been and has an overview of the event? What do you do? etc....


Have a look on YouTube - it's like a giant Laning trip for 200 people - organised by GRM through some amazing countryside.

They used to have that one as the 'easy' one and the trophy cevanol (sp?) as the extreme one - but they lost access to the land for that one.

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