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Forum makeover...


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Of course I would love some LR content in the banner (which has not to be Flash ani),but in the end who cares...

Can I add rivets to the LR4X4.com sign?


Would work for me Michele but I think others on here might prefer it to be tig'd :)

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I'd like to see a nice brightly coloured annimated gif with flashing graphics - and maybe advertising something pornographic (and not Les Henson!) ?

I rather like sites too which have a MIDI tune built in and play a nice jolly browsing melody on your PC's speaker.

Why are there no Pop-ups? or pop unders for that matter?

Down with Jacob Neilson - that's what I say (Web developer in-joke).

Si ;)

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It's a bit worrying that this website is helping to promote at-work skiving. There's an incredibly faint possibility that there's a goverment swot somewhere noticing a sudden rise in industry production and thinking to himself "hmm, LR4x4 must be down this morning". :lol:

Les. :ph34r:

You only have to look at how the activity picks up during the working week to show the detrimental affect on workplace productivity LR4x4.com has :o

On a serious note we are allowed to look at non dodgy stuff at work as long as this is not abused and in you own time (ie lunch break) Our in work Internet use/abuse is monitored - or so our IT bods would have you believe) . :unsure:

The problem I would have is that if the site was filled with any snazzy graphics and ads. and the like it would take an age to load at work - our work network speed is a joke, my home cable BB set up is way fatster and given I usually only get around 10 mins at my desk for lunch I would have to give up in work visits to the site, it would probaly take that length of time to make one post. :rolleyes:

So another plea for 'KIS' as above. :D :D

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Guest dew110CSW

I say leave it low key, but how about a Green & Brown take on the traditional IPB Skin (aka the blue)

Would fit slightly better.

I used to do a bit of work on IPB so if you'd like any info feel free to PM me.

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AGAIN. AS IS!!!!!!!!!!!!



I do hope you get that sticky caps lock key fixed soon ;)

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Could we have a thing that tells you what threads have new posts on them since your last visit like the old LRO forum. I found that really useful.


already got something similar,provided you log out then in again, the small folders change to a darker shade with new thread or content & lighter shade when read.

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