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Fun Thread - "Off Road And STUCK" Pics Thread


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Got this in and thought this could be a great idea for a new thread

Post up PICTURES - NOT Videos and DEFO NOT ANY LINKS _ Post up pics - the best ones you come across / have / sent / find...

Rules are

MUST be a picture - Not a Video or a Link

MUIST be "Off Road"

MUST be stuck

Anything not re the above will be deleted

Starters for the "Off Road And STUCK"



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mates discovery stuck, me trying to recover. this ended up getting 3 of us stuck and had to go back for the tractor


when i went for it in a bomb hole at buildwas, only got the length of it in and just bogged


in my yard a couple of years ago,


and the resulting navara that got stuck trying to tow me out.

i then got stuck again towing him out.


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