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Let me see the colour of your money


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Time to pay up chaps.

Final price for each shirt is £17 with a large amount going to team Jez. This price includes postage (by royal mail) to you, or delivery to a central person (for example for you SLRC members).

Payments to be made:

Via Paypal to jwpugh@crdnsouthwest.com

Cheques/ postal orders payable to Miss K. Hodder (the missus' account- i wouldn't want to spend any of the money on LR parts for me by accident) and sent to:

James Pugh

32 Bovet Close



TAremove1 4removeNY

if you want to transfer the money by BACS or internet banking then please PM me and i will send you the details.

Once you have made the payment then please PM me with the method and your real name so that i can match forumeers to real people!

Please make payment promptly- preferably before this weekend- i know that's quite short notice but the quicker i can get payments in the quicker i can get the shirts ordered. I am hoping to have the shirts sent out around the 17th of May, although i am trying to get team HOFS shirts out earlier!

I will keep an updated list on this thread which shows when i receive your payment and who hasn't sent a payment yet. YES THIS IS NAME AND SHAME :D Actually it's not, i'm just going to post up one list so that you can all see if i've received your payment and it saves me having to write hundreds of PMs! Payment MUST be received no later than wednesday 9th May 07.

FYI i will be putting in the final figures on friday morning, at that point i will take the orders in the sticky thread as definitive. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have checked the orders on that list, any alterations must be received no later than 9am on friday morning.

If you have any questions then please let me know



p.s. please email me your address when you let me know that you've paid- otherwise i won't know where to send the shirt!

p.p.s Whilst iyou will find me at various events i would MUCH prefer if you could either BACS or paypal the money to me- if 100 people pay me cash then i will be making hundreds of little trips to the bank (which is a right nigthmare where i live!)

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3-shirts worth winging it's way to you now via PayPal, I put my forum name in the message title to keep it easy, might be an idea for others to do the same?

Once I have gathered pennies from the ShireLRC guys I will send those separately, may have to give you a list of names/addresses as it would cost me more in fuel to distribute them than it would to post them direct! :ph34r:

Oh and in case it hasn't been said - Jim you're an absolute superhero for sorting all this out. B)

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3 heros in my eyes

Jim for being mad enough to pull it off whilst running his own business and being stressed out of his tree, thanks mate :)

The forum be being so supportive - totally unbelivable but appreciated beyond thanks :i-m_so_happy:

X-Eng for being there and supporting idiots with a really really stupid idea, thanks again Si - next time we bring the hobnobs :)

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Time to pay up chaps.

Final price for each shirt is £17 with a large amount going to team Jez. This price includes postage (by royal mail) to you, or delivery to a central person (for example for you SLRC members).

Payments to be made:

Via Paypal to jwpugh@crdnsouthwest.com

Cheques/ postal orders payable to Miss K. Hodder (the missus' account- i wouldn't want to spend any of the money on LR parts for me by accident) and sent to:

James Pugh

32 Bovet Close



TAremove1 4removeNY

if you want to transfer the money by BACS or internet banking then please PM me and i will send you the details.

Once you have made the payment then please PM me with the method and your real name so that i can match forumeers to real people!

Please make payment promptly- preferably before this weekend- i know that's quite short notice but the quicker i can get payments in the quicker i can get the shirts ordered. I am hoping to have the shirts sent out around the 17th of May, although i am trying to get team HOFS shirts out earlier!

I will keep an updated list on this thread which shows when i receive your payment and who hasn't sent a payment yet. YES THIS IS NAME AND SHAME :D Actually it's not, i'm just going to post up one list so that you can all see if i've received your payment and it saves me having to write hundreds of PMs! Payment MUST be received no later than wednesday 9th May 07.

FYI i will be putting in the final figures on friday morning, at that point i will take the orders in the sticky thread as definitive. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure that you have checked the orders on that list, any alterations must be received no later than 9am on friday morning.

If you have any questions then please let me know



p.s. please email me your address when you let me know that you've paid- otherwise i won't know where to send the shirt!

p.p.s Whilst iyou will find me at various events i would MUCH prefer if you could either BACS or paypal the money to me- if 100 people pay me cash then i will be making hundreds of little trips to the bank (which is a right nigthmare where i live!)

Paid via paypal PM sent



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