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oh not again.....


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Please be patient as our website is under construction.

What, like an address to visit / view / return broken tat ?

One day this chap will cross someone rather big and rather nasty................................ :rolleyes:

and then there will "Be Tears" .................................sooner the better IMHO :lol:


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I believe he might have a message asking for a price for a new battery for my battery hen. And a separate message asking about extreme ironing. And a separate message offering a job lot of orange paint, going cheap. That goes some way to rebuke my treatment on the Scorpion stand last year...

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When you read -

"Please be patient as our website is under construction."

You just know it's going to be bad!

We can expect the usual customer service then, polite, informed, responsive, keen published pricing, orders by return, no quibble guarantee, true interest in Land Rovers etc etc.

I suppose HMRC and previous suppliers would be interested in the whereabouts of the stock if any and it's provenance, unless it's all virtual of course.

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But people will still keep buying from him no matter what the forums say.

I saw the bit on the Discovery Channel where Scorpian prepaired the BMW support car for the 'Race to Dakar'. What a shambles! Then within months of that airing we still see the usual 'Cheque Book' off roaders in nearly every magazine spouting their brand new 90's with every concievable Scorpian part on it.

I've never met the bloke but have a genuine dislike for him. I hope he doesn't team with TBR and take them down with him again....they are nice people.

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You can set up as a Company Director again providing you're not an undischarged bankrupt or :

•They have failed to comply with the Companies Act 2006 requirement to keep appropriate accounting records. These records must accurately reflect the transactions the company has entered in to.

•They have not met their obligations to Companies House under the 2006 act. All companies are required to submit annual accounts and file certain changes with the Registrar of Companies.

•A failure to pay taxes which the company owes and, or submit the appropriate returns, for example, the annual CT 600 form.

Basically as long as you file accounts, and the receivers wind up your old business you just keep doing it. Just like Time/Tiny/The Computer Shop/The Computers Guys etc. 1 indian family, 14 bankruptcies.

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Apparently it's financed by Durite - hopefully they'll get their fingers burned for the favour!


i wonder if they are opperating from durites premesis which are in harwich?the owner of durite had a tricked up discovery a few years back,built by the late john arnold of ja 4x4 also of harwich.

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Extreme Poor x Poor?

It's started already...




Nice comment on that Forum from someone unsure of the whole detail of the topic.

"Again, sorry for the ignorance but I've always stayed well clear of anything to do with Scorpion Racing. Initially it was just that I thought they were horrendously overpriced and average quality, but then when I heard about them ripping off X-eng products and putting their name on them I made a conscious decision not to ever buy from them and, as such, blotted them out altogether."


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On a lighter note does this mean if you have purchased items from them in the past and need a warranty claim you can send them back for a full refund :ph34r::P

surely the shade of orange paint will be as good as smart water in identifying the product as one of theirs. :)


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