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OK so Lady Studmuffin refers to me as folically challenged!!

My kids have been known to mutter something about "bald old coot" under their breath.

Personally I tend to describe myself as " solar powered sex god"!!!! although Lady S is always the first to disagree.

So -- how come every time I get under my Defender, even when I wear a hat, I manage to remove at least 1 square inch of scalp on a sharp bit of metal????


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We had to wear bump caps at all times when I was at terex. Theoretically they are a good idea but I've yet to see someone manage to keep one on their head for any longer than 10 seconds when on a crawler or the floor. The design of them means any pressure on them just flicks the opposite side off..... You end up throwing them across the workshop.

However a ramp will most certainly cure your problems I never bump my head at home under the ramp :)

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Not on my head but I still have a scar a couple of inches long on my back where I caught it on the corner of the open passenger door while getting up from under a Series III I was replacing the clutch on nearly 30 years ago, that one bled like a pig, I was on my own and it took ages to stem the flow. I have another scar on my lip where I dropped a ratchet handle and socket on my face while laying and working under a Lightweight even more years ago, the ratchet was one of the solid steel jobs and smacked hard enough to push a tooth through my lip. I've plenty of other Land Rover induced injuries but will save the bandwidth for Nige ;)

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Not on my head but I still have a scar a couple of inches long on my back where I caught it on the corner of the open passenger door while getting up from under a Series III I was replacing the clutch on nearly 30 years ago, that one bled like a pig, I was on my own and it took ages to stem the flow. I have another scar on my lip where I dropped a ratchet handle and socket on my face while laying and working under a Lightweight even more years ago, the ratchet was one of the solid steel jobs and smacked hard enough to push a tooth through my lip. I've plenty of other Land Rover induced injuries but will save the bandwidth for Nige ;)

I don't know, amateurs, the lot of you. It's two years since I:

A attempted to weld myself to the Disco (still got the bits of weld I dug outta my sternum)

B comprehensively broke my face taking a 1/4 panel of same vehicle - have my last trip to the dentists to fit my new, improved, teeth on Friday!

As I'm about to take an engine out of the Disco, on my own, this week, well, watch this space......

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once gave myself a full on nosebleed whilst disconnecting a 4" waste pipe from underneath a shed, limited space + stiff pipe = massively bleeding nose.

might have gotten away with it if my nose wasnt the size of mt. everest.

was bleedin cold about -10° too which made it 10x worse.

and those special pop up clip releases on the freelander TD4 coolant pipes, great in theorey but jesus theyre stiff and then just let go. not sure what my hand hit but this is my thumb 2 weeks later


i had to pull the scab out today as it had gone a funny colour and i thought it might want to be a bit cleaner. haha

dropping a bottle jack onto your head off the ramp because you knocked it off with the rather effing heavy gearbox you are holding above your head in open space too isnt the nicest feeling, especially as all you want to do is drop the gearbox too, but that would hurt even more.

and theyre just the "sensible" ones. :)

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I've done the door corner in the back trick, though not quite hard enough to draw blood. It's surprising just how much that hurts. I have mostly suffered small cuts on the hands and wrists like Mikey's. Wire brush wheels on grinders can be interesting, though - I have had detached wires hanging out of my lower lip having stuck in like a big splinter.

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OK so Lady Studmuffin refers to me as folically challenged!!

My kids have been known to mutter something about "bald old coot" under their breath.

Personally I tend to describe myself as " solar powered sex god"!!!! although Lady S is always the first to disagree.

So -- how come every time I get under my Defender, even when I wear a hat, I manage to remove at least 1 square inch of scalp on a sharp bit of metal????


Isn't it another of those "laws of physics", eg. Whichever side of a bonfire you stand, the wind will always blow the smoke in your face?

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I live in a house with very low door frames and I'm 6 foot tall... so I am used to ducking under the frames without thinking about it.

Every so often the height / ducking algorithm is re calibrated but generally I have no problem with this.

If I venture in the house with even a really thin hat on I #£%& my head on the first frame - never fails.

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